Friday, April 20, 2012

Digital Story Challenges

One of the biggest challenges I faced with this digital story project was the digital side of it. I have never had much experience with making movies nor working with Windows Movie Maker. I had to learn the ropes in using this program, as well as how to make it all look nice. I was challenged in getting down the timing of the pictures and when to put them to match up with the narration, but after a while I was able to get it all down. Another challenge I faced was actually trying to come up with a topic. I wanted to pick one that had meaning to me and that I could easily research and enjoy working with. This immediately knocked out any current events, as I hate politics as well as "mainstream" stories like the War on Terror, Abortion, and thing like that; I prefer to stay away from them. All in all at the end of the project I was very satisfied with my work and felt accomplished.

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