Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Value of Digital Stories

I'm just going to jumpt right into this one. I definitely feel that digital stories have a big meaning inside the classroom and in academics, but I feel that their value is exponentially greater outside of the classroom. Whenever we are in class and the professor says, "Now let's watch a video explaining this." everyone gets excited for one reason or another. Some look forward to it because they don't have to listen to the professor rant anymore, and others use it as a nap time. I personally enjoy videos in class because it livens and changes things up from the norm. Anyway, I feel that digital stories have a great value in the classroom. They are a great way to teach people a valuable lesson in a different form other than lecturing or taking notes. It is also a way for the creator of the story to teach about the subject while also including their emotions and thoughts on thr subject. It gives them a way to express their feelings on the subject. Many valuable lessons can be learned from digital stories, along with some fun topics being shared. Not all digital stories are meant for educational purposes, which is why I feel that digital stories have a greater value outside of the classroom. In my own opinion (not stating fact), I feel that movies are digital stories, especially documentaries. Movies are essentially the writer, director and producer telling a story to the audience in a little bit of an exaggerated form. Even so, there are some excellent educational movies out there. One of my all time favorite movies, 12 Angry Men, is a prime example. This has come to be known as one of the greatest films ever made, and it is very educational. It gives the viewers and inside look on the duties of a jury, but it also teaches the audience a very valuable lesson in tenacity and sticking to your views. All in all, I feel that digital stories are valuable both inside and outside of the classroom and should be harnessed more for their value.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting point that you made here about movies being digital stories! I have to agree with you on some level, but in my opinion only certain genres of movies may fall under that category. I definitely agree with you that they make an impact in the schools as well, as a break from the teachers lecture or print material. Good original thought as well!
